Monday, February 8, 2010

Waiting For You To Come Home by Cloudbubb

Today's critique brought yo you by Cloudbubb.

Overall: 3/5
Composition: 4/5
Emotion: 4/5

Overall: I like the emotion that this photo conveys. However, I think the light is too harsh and distracting.

Composition: I like that the cat is in the center and that the light is coming from behind it. I think the drawers on the left and the light coming from the window/doorway are distracting. I like the contrast.

Emotion: The way the lighting is on the cat gives the viewer a sense of mystery. Who is this cat, and why is it waiting for me? The location somewhat detracts from this feeling, but it's not too horrible.

About Cloudbubb:
Alex has been taking photos for about a year. Her favorite kind of photography is candid photography, because it makes the person seem more natural. She's got a pretty good gallery, and it's certainly worth looking at.

Tip of The Day:
Always wear the strap for your camera, this helps keep it from getting broken.

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