Friday, January 29, 2010

Planet Earth by RetroChick27

Today's Critique is brought to you by: Retrochick27.

Overall: 4/5
Composition: 4/5
Emotion: 3.5/5
Innovation: 4.5/5

Overall: I rather like this photo. The depth of field is, near as I can tell, spot on. And the angle definitely works. My only complaint is that the caterpillar is partially in the sun, and the bright spots on the leaf kind of distract my eyes from the subject.

Composition: I like the fact that the caterpillar is in the center, which actually contradicts what a lot of people will tell you about composition. It would be nice of the caterpillar were in the sunshine, or if the leaf weren't. Also, it's you can't really see the details on the subject; I think being able to see them would add to the beauty of this piece.

Emotion: This piece doesn't really jump out at me, emotionally speaking. It's a gorgeous photo, but there isn't a whole lot to it in this area. I don't know how you'd improve on emotion, though. Perhaps with different lighting? Other than that, this photo makes me giddy, because I rarely see caterpillars.

Innovation: You scored bonus points in this category for the center aligned subject, which is something that more experienced photographers rarely do. And, you know, I rarely see caterpillars in photos (and I never see them in real life), so this photo has a novel effect on my brain. XD

A little bit about RetroChick27:
RetroChick27 is, like, 14. Her gallery is great, and she takes her camera everywhere (kudos!). Seriously, I'm kind of intimidated by how good she is, considering she says she's new to photography - or, at least, she was when she wrote her deviant id. and she uses a Nikon D3000, which is supposed to be a really good camera (I still prefer my Canon Rebel, but that's for reasons unrelated).

Tip of the day:
Take a camera with you everywhere. Seriously. You'll regret it if you don't. The best photo opportunities usually happen when you are ill prepared or not expecting them. So, carry a camera with you so you can capture those rare moments. If nothing else, you can get good pictures of a crash or something - your local newspaper might buy them. I digress. Back to the point: Take a camera with you everywhere - it saves lives.

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